SSR conducts transfers for various rollingstock owners and rail freight companies, including heavy haulage transfers. Transfer may simply be the relocation of assets, or may include the transfer of rollingstock for maintenance in a workshop facility. Whatever your requirements, our rail freight services can provide comprehensive project management and assistance to complete the job quickly and efficiently.
The team at SSR has an attention to detail, ensuring that the customer’s specifications are followed exactly in regards to the haulage requirement or shunting and positioning plan.
Providing Comprehensive Service
Unlike typical rail freight companies, specialist rollingstock owner, finance and lessor companies may not necessarily have the regulatory approval in the form of a rail operator accreditation. SSR can provide the service in these cases and our rollingstock maintenance staff can inspect and provide Ready To Go (RTG) certification for the rollingstock prior to departure.
With our team of highly organised and detail-oriented staff, SSR offer rail freight services that are efficient and cost-effective.
Getting Your Project Completed
SSR proudly serves rail freight companies and rollingstock owners with our comprehensive and professional services. From heavy haulage transfers to rollingstock maintenance, our team can provide you with everything you need to get your projects completed on time and within your budget. Get in touch with us today for more information on our wide range of rail freight services.